Big Nate COMMENTS Wiki

Somewhere around January 26th, PET made the designated colors page a reality. He gave notable users at the time quotes with their colors.


ItsP-dog (talk): REEE

ComicRater (talk): REEE

Positive Elixir Trade (talk): REEE

Goldenglory4life (talk): REEE

GarfieldMN (talk): REEE

Vxnillabean (talk): REEE

FancyPantsFan (talk): REEE

ZachOWott (talk): REEE

Neptune7Ninja2Comics (talk): ur mom... no I'm not saying REEE.....oh wait.

TheYounglings (talk): I’m TheYounglings, and I approve this message.

To do this, make something like this {{Quote|Username|Insert words here}}

Featured Quote: ItsP-dog (talk): Thank you PET for making these for us!

Thanks PET!
