Big Nate COMMENTS Wiki

I can't do this anymore.[]

I have decided to take a break from this wiki but before I leave tommarow I need to make a point and clear somethings ups for you guys.

1. The N-word. 

This is what really happened. So there have been tiktok complications in my recommendations recently and ngl I have been watching them. Lots of them have the sound from a song named,SHUT UP by Dababy. I decided to use this in response to SuperTalker101. The only reason I censored that word is because I didn't want him to be called the n-word. Nobody deserves that. Everyone took this the wrong way an pointed out that censored word. This is one of the reasons I'm temporarily leaving. I cannot have the false reputation of a racist. 

2. The Activity 

This wiki requires you to constantly be active and I just cannot do it. I'm losing family time because I am sitting in front of this computer. 

3. The Trolls

I do not want to see pictures of poop, Pokemon sex, and other NSFW content because someone thinks it is funny. Do I really need to explain.

4. The Arguing

I am sick and tired of constant arguing without or with me involved. It's nothing but immature. I do not care what you all say about this it is just immature. 

What Is Going to Happen[]

I am not gong to be active. You will not see me here as much. I might make edits but I will be using mobile so do not expect it. I will be taking a break for the remainder of this summer. I simply refuse to participate in this drama. 

My Final Words[]

You need to know these things.

  1. The desicion is made, no changing it.
  2. this is my last day, after today I'm not gonna be active
  3. i do not hate any particular person or race
  4. Sunday strips are still good stop playin wit me
  5. this is only permanent if I forget about this wiki entirely

Finally, goodbye. I wish you all good luck and prosperity in this world. I wish my love to each and every one of you, regardless of race, gender, sexuality, and other differences. When I return I wish that you will forget about all of this and treat me as if these accusations never happened. Good riddance and goodbye.

